Event Photos- 108 pics!

Event Videos- Quite Large

Theremin Demo 78 mb
Born to be Wild 22 mb
Born to be Wild 2 25 mb
Sharp Dressed Man 70 mb
Hotel California 79 mb
Hotel California 2 47 mb
Mama Let Him Play 26 mb
Mama Let Him Play 2 10 mb
Sweet Home Alabama 26 mb
Theremin Chant 50 mb
Too Much Fun Rap 290 mb
Too Much Fun Lyrics

You're Invited

Barry and Heathers Backyard Bash
1232 Alexandra Place
June 23, 2007

Ripper of a Party in our Backyard

Schedule of Events

5:00pm - Cocktails on the Deck.
6:00 pm - BBQ Hotdogs and Hamburgers for everyone!
8:00 pm - Live Band- Outdoor Rock Concert.
9:00 pm - Anything Goes Talent Show- Get an act together and perform.
10:00 pm - Karaoke.
11:00 pm. Birthday Cake with 50 candles!

Grab your lawn chairs, and come on over.
Hope to see you there.